# API - RouterAlive

# <router-alive> Props

# keep-alive

Whether to cache components by default, it can be reset through the routing configuration meta.keepAlive.

  • type: Boolean

  • default: false

# max

The maximum number of caches, set 0 to not limit.

  • type: Number

  • default: 0

# reuse

Whether to reuse routing components, can be reset through the routing configuration meta.reuse.

  • type: Boolean

  • default: false

# page-class

Class of tab page.

  • type: Array | Object | String

  • default: router-alive-page

# page-scroller

Global Scroll Element Selector, the scroll position will be restored when the cached tab is reactivated.

  • type: String

  • default: ''

# transition

The transition effect of routing components

# RouterAlive Instance Methods


In the sub-component of RouterAlive, you can access the RouterAlive instance through inject: ['RouterAlive']. Then call this.RouterAlive.refresh() to refresh the component.

# routerAlive.remove

Remove the cache of component.

  • parameters:
    • {String} [key] The cache key of the component to be removed, default to current component.

# routerAlive.refresh

Refresh the cache of component.

  • parameters:
    • {String} [key] The cache key of the component to be refreshed, default to current component.

# RouterAlive Events

# ready

RouterAlive component is ready.

  • parameters:
    • {VueInstance} [alive] RouterAlive instance

# change

Route cache changes.

  • parameters:
    • {String} [type] type: create | update
    • {RouteMatch} [routeMatch] Route matching information
Last updated: 5/9/2021, 7:37:51 PM